Friday, May 16, 2008

Cloth Diapering

So I've decided to switch to cloth diapers since I've been spending $30 or more each month on diapers alone (that doesn't include wipes or clothes). Since I'm new to this I decided to get the gerber birdseye prefold with the gerber pull-up covers. So far it's been alright I have to double line the diapers since they're not very thick but that's really not a big deal. What I have done, though, is that on some of the diapers I added hook and loops so that they are easier for my fiance to close since he's a little apprehensive about using cloth (mostly the whole pins part of it). I've been practicing on my son's teddy bear and have gotten pretty good at using the pins, although I have been considering ordering a snappi. Also on our first day using cloth diapers my son got diarrea so in order to get the diaper off I had to pull the diaper cover off of him like pants which wasn't much fun so I've been considering ordering some diaper wraps as well. Turns out that my sister is also converting to cloth diapers which is really cool since neither of us even knew that the other one was doing the same thing. Once plus to cloth diapers so far is that I have not had to change his sheets since when we used disposables he would pee through them almost every night (something I found to be extremely annoying). Well here's hoping that cloth diapering works for me.

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